My Hometown of Colorado Springs
I love my town. It's cliche, perhaps, to say so in such pat terms, and it is true. I love Colorado Springs and environs. There are a few reasons for this, and it will be the central objective of this blog to say some things about just why that is.In the macro-view, I'd say that the beauty of this place, the nature of the people and the overall culture, the sort of physical layout of the city (not all of it, admittedly, as the Springs has fallen victim to the soulless, corporate tsunami that has (very unfortunately) engulfed our country beginning...when exactly--not sure, perhaps the 1970's, perhaps earlier (it's an arguable point)--has left in it's wake a seemingly endless spider's web of congested, multi-lane quasi-highways, interlaced with carelessly designed, inadvertent "neighborhoods." To wit, take a look at the swath of suburban hideousness in the first photo.![]() |
Suburban Hell |
Manitou Springs, and Old Colorado City represent a lot of what I find beautiful about this town. These neighborhood, yes bona fide neighborhoods, witness the picture to the right, from Manitou. The large, darkly-colored stone building near the bottom center-left of the picture is of the Historic Community Congregational Church, built in 1880. It is a gorgeous building, and holds pride of place in a town marked by quirky, winding streets that are studded by peculiar, old structures.
The picture at right serves as segue to that second attribute I mentioned the stark natural beauty of the place. As you can see in the picture at right, Pikes Peak serves as a kind of landmark and trademark. It is a landmark in the sense that it orients the Colorado Springs citizen as to his/her whereabouts, and it is a trademark in the sense that if the Springs were a brand, Pike's Peak's name and image would be its logo. Indeed, many a business and governmental entity has it as a part of its title.

The beauty of my hometown is profound, all-encompassing, and it is worth seeing. It commensurately worth considering it as a place to live, and a place to end up loving.
Having bugun on January of 2015, this blog addresses various elements about life in Colorado Springs, its people, its culture, the arts scene, its business environment (featuring especially local businesses), its transformations and challenges. Look to this space for fresh viewpoints of life in Colorado Springs posted every Sunday.Sean Alden Fitzgerald
Local Reach Marketing
Love me some old maps!
— Local Reach Mktg (@localreachmktg) May 11, 2015
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